Why are keywords so important for a website? Optimus01 has some helpful hints to ensure that your keywords are effective and beneficial for your website. Read on to learn more:
Using keywords effectively when writing the content for your website could mean that your website will be viewed more regularly and by more people in search of the information you are offering. It is important that you keep search engines happy; this will ensure that your website is listed, when certain keywords are searched for.
What is a Keyword?
A keyword is a word that has been used several times throughout the article. The spiders will see the repeated keyword and will then rank your page as good. This means that when someone searches for your keyword, your website will come up on the search.
How and Why Should you Keep Google Happy?
Keywords and phrases are used within a website to help the search engines find and properly index or rate your website. This is done by sending “spider robots” to scan the website and the words within the website. This process, depending on if you have used your keywords effectively, will determine if your website is important enough to be listed in the top 20 of the search index pages. Choosing the keywords is a very important process. This can be done by repeating the most important words that the potential clients would use when searching for the information you have on offer. It is important to note that if you don’t keep up with the proper use of keywords, you will fall behind in the search engine result pages (SERPS). Placing keywords in the right places will bring your website more traffic.
Keyword Tips for Website Content
- Use you main keyword in your Meta tag title. In other words include your product or service name as a keyword.
- Use your main keyword in the Meta tag description. This is a few short sentences that describe what the webpage is all about and what it offers.
- Use your keywords in the heading of your article and other offered information.
- Use the keyword throughout your paragraph. The keyword should appear for at least 8% of the content. Remember to only use it where it fits into the sentence.
- Never hide keywords by matching the font colour with the background colour. If you are caught you are liable for a fine.
- Use your primary keyword for the development of your site logo.
- Use the keywords for the title of your website.
- Try and use your keywords in the URL.
- The starting paragraphs should contain the primary and secondary keywords.
- Keep your primary and secondary keywords on your home page.
- Use your keywords to help develop the content of your website.
- Don’t use too many keywords. This will take away from the impact keywords have.
- Don’t go overboard with keywords; don’t use them in every paragraph.
- Use your keywords in the first part of the sentence of the first paragraph.
- Keywords are an important part of writing for SEO. It is important that you choose the right keywords; this means that the words used or the combination of words will determine where you are rated on search engines.
- Primary keywords should be different on every page. The secondary keyword should be the primary keyword that is found on your home page. Never use your company name as your primary keyword.
- All pages need to have between 250 and 1000 words, of which 5% needs to be the chosen keywords (A keyword density percentage of between 3% and 5% is considered effective)
- Page names and titles need to be keyword rich. Also don’t use words that won’t be searched for like home page, a, an, my, your and the.
- Bold your keywords, but don’t over do it. It can become distracting for the reader. Also only use bolded keywords if it fits with the content and flow of the information you are offering.
- Don’t put words into your keywords list that has nothing to do with the content of your website.
- Avoid using common and generic words, especially if they have something to do with the internet.
- Use keywords throughout the body of the text.
- Try and be as specific and particular as possible with the keywords you use.
- When deciding on the best keywords, consider your target niche to assist in obtaining the best keywords for your website.
- It is important that you consider your target audience when you choose your keywords. Consider why they would visit your website and what they would search for in order to land up at your website. Also consider what they want to accomplish or gain from visiting your website.
- When choosing your keywords, use non-competitive or popular words.
- If your keywords don’t relate to your content, they will be seen as spam and you may be penalised.
- Be patient this process takes time and before you know it, you will have an increase in traffic to your website.
Where is the Best Place to Use Keywords?
- Text on the page
- HTML Title
- Meta Descriptions
- Meta Keywords
- ALT Tags
- URL Name
- Comment Tags
High Quality Keywords = Successful Website
Keywords are crucial in helping your website grow in traffic and potential business. Deciding on the keywords you use is important as it will add to the number of people that visit your website. Keywords are generally what the viewer will search for in order to land up on your website and use all the relevant information you have on offer.
A keyword research tool such as long tail pro is a great option for finding long tail and buyers keywords quickly and easily.
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