Current Marketing Trends

2009 has brought many changes to marketing trends due to the economic recession. However the current online marketing trends have dictated the progression of marketers and have impacted the expense-constrained world of the Internet. The following takes a look at the current marketing trends of 2009.

Online Marketing Trends
Online marketers have been faced with the pressures of the economic situation this year. They have had to come up with dynamic and powerful campaigns to make a lasting impression on potential clients even though their purse strings were tightened slightly. Enhancements of brands have seemed to be challenging to some extent considering the limited resources available to marketers. The overall attitude of marketers was to persevere with their campaigns; if they had stopped their marketing campaigns it may have impacted their company in terms of their long-term market share and their return on investment (ROI) in the future.

Current Marketing Trends

  • Increasing client retention efforts and continuation marketing existing client base according to client behaviour.
  • Creating more appealing ad campaigns and content is crucial to the success of your business.
  • Develop higher quality targeted campaigns; creating information-rich messages are critical to catch the eyes of potential clients.
  • Niche products focus on social media methods for example facebook to gain more exposure of their products.
  • Social media methods attract users based on interest, this method is a fast and easy way of snowballing traffic to your site.
  • Enhance your search marketing advertising as search engines remain the most popular method of gaining information on the internet.
  • 2009 expands on Search Engine Marketing (SEM) extending its reach into other forms such as social, local and mobile searches.
  • Analytics (Web analytic tools) will expand and proceed to a higher quality of service reports.
  • Technology will evolve in terms of online and offline applications, this will allow clients to use preferred channels during purchases.
  • Email communications and advertising expands and allows for mass communication of business messages compared to online newsletters.
  • Keyword inflation should continue through 2009, advertisers will improve the measurability of their advertising spend as the online markets will become crowded.
  • Conversion optimization plays a pivotal point in advertisers’ success in their businesses. Advertisers will need to find solutions that will ultimately increase their (ROI).
  • Cost-per action has become increasingly popular in terms of digital advertising.
  • Data and privacy security issues continue throughout 2009.
  • Mobile advertising will become a main source of business as Google supplies mobile hardware and software. 
  • Local searches will continue to grow as relevant searches and accurate advertising is easier with this method.
  • Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds will dominate and move into majority usage. It will provide users with better deliverability and a targeted audience.
  • Blogging and video marketing will snowball traffic to sites and grow smaller businesses as they will be able to launch their own blogs.
  • Widget marketing is inexpensive to develop and will save a lot of your clients time.

Online marketers need to be aware of the challenges they face in 2009, yet if they approach marketing the right way they will be able to obtain optimum results in terms of their online campaigns and continue to reap the benefits of the campaigns they are using.

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