Google AdWords works by establishing a number of keywords and building an advertisement campaign using optimization for chosen keywords that link back to a given website. The following takes a look at the current stats and facts of Google AdWords.
What are Google AdWords?
Google AdWords are an internet marketing service that provides one with the opportunity of gaining optimum traffic to ones website. AdWords can be seen down the right side of a search results page. The keywords you enter into the search engine will display your search results along with the Google AdWords in the right hand column.
AdWords are also known as a pay-per click system, where you pay Google for the placement of your advertisement on their search results page. You pay each time someone clicks on your advertisement. Your advert may be of a text, image or video format. The common text advert would be in the form of a title line and a two line description of your service or product. An internet user would then click on the advertisement in the right hand column of the current search results page and get transferred to your selected website page.
Google AdWords Competitors
- Microsoft Adcenter
- Yahoo! Search Marketing (SM)
- Direct Mail
- Banner Ads
- Business Directories
Google AdWords Stats
100% target rate. This allows you to target your ads specifically to internet users who may be searching for your product or service.
Google AdWords campaigns reaches 80% of global internet users, making it the world’s largest ad network.
Unique searches such as:
- United States at 76%
- Germany at 89%
- Japan at 86%
- France at 79%
- United Kingdom at 76%
AdWords competitive rate of 87% allows your advertisement to fairly promote your products or services making you a competitor to those in similar industries.
AdWords provides tools such as Google analytics to measure the success rate of your website.
Google analytics provides you with a bounce rate percentage, a tally of visitors to your site, most visited pages, location where your visitors come from and so much more.
Google AdWords and SM Stats
- AdWords allows you a 25 character title and a 35 character content line, promoting your service or product.
- Where Yahoo’s SM allows you a 40 character title and a 75 character ad description of your service or product.
- AdWords conversion rate is at 5% where SM is at 10%.
- Adwords click through rate (CTR) is at 7.5% where SM is at 4.5%.
- Adwords delivers on average 25% more impressions than SM.
- AdWords does not inform you on competitor bids per click.
- Yahoo! SM informs you on who you are bidding against; this allows you to know where you will rank and how much you will be paying.
AdWords Facts
- Advertisers that sign up for an AdWords campaign, choose the locations they want their advertisements to be presented.
- Advertisers only pay when consumer traffic views or interacts with your site.
- With AdWords you can increase your reach rate by producing relevant online text ads that appear next to competitor searches on Google.
- Reach rates may only allow you to target certain locations.
- AdWords allows advertisers to compete against small and big industries in the same field as their own.
- By using AdWords, advertisers do not need to worry about their service or product being outdated by the time their site is organically listed.
- AdWords does not require an advertiser to pay deposits, yet is charged a nominal fee to open an AdWords account.
- In terms of AdWords distribution, advertisers have the opportunity to present their sites on Google’s partner networks.
- There is no fixed price for ads being placed on Google’s search engine. You are given the opportunity to bid on the keywords that you want to elicit your ads.
- The AdWords pay-per click (PPC) option is beneficial for driving immediate traffic to your ads website.
- Advertisers can edit their existing ad and view the changes on Google within minutes of changing their advertisement.
- AdWords offers a variety of advertisement formats in terms of videos, images and text.
Google AdWords is known to be the most efficient and measurable way for advertisers to promote their products or services, as it draws immediate potential clients to their site.
If you are interested in our Website, SEO, Google AdWords or Social Networking service, simply contact us or call us on 011 463 4771 and we will gladly be of assistance!